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The SoundPodium

Mischa Maisky used it for a recording

and wrote to us:.
The idea: 
The sound of a cello, double bass or harp is carriedthrough contact with the surface.
Because most surfaces are not resonant in themselves,the sound of the instrument is reduced. However, a podium is a resonantbody ... 

The development: 
Presenting for the first time a podium, which has been constructed after the principles of a stringed instrument: Running under the front part ofthe SoundPodium 's top is a bass - bar which carries the vibrations originatingfrom the spike. 

The top of the SoundPodiumis constructed of high-quality beech wood and is, like a stringed instrument,provided with F-holes. The entire podium is a foldable package, which hasa depth of only seven cm. 

The result: 

The SoundPodium reinforces the natural overtones of the instrumentin contrast to the often reduced spectrum of a one-dimensional surface! 


David Geringas, after his recital at the "Musikvereinssaal"in Vienna: 

                   "The best sound ever."

Prof. Tobias Kühne, Musikhochschule Wien, Teacherof Heinrich Schiff: 

                   "The large SoundPodium has been received well and is a great success in my class. With the construction of the SoundPodium you have served the needs of a great number of Cellists ..."

Prof. David Strange, Royal Academy of Music, London: 

                   "We are delighted with the SoundPodium , and students borrow it whenever they have a concert."

Mischa Maisky: 

                   "Thank you very much for a wonderful Invention!"

Mstislav Rostropowitsch: 

                   "Not only I, but all my colleagues would be very happy, if all the concert-halls had such a SoundPodium."     ( have a look at the gallery)