Evah Pirazzi Soloist
The sound is clear, brilliant and above all precise and powerful with a warm core sound. The diameter of these strings is smaller than those of the normal gauge. This makes fast changes of position especially easy and the response is fast. This in combination with the pliable feel under the finger and the big volume gives the musicians all the security needed to fully concentrate on their playing.

Evah Pirazzi Soloist A


Core:  Steel

Winding: Chrome Steel

Evah Pirazzi Soloist D



Core: steel

Winding: Chrome steel

Evah Pirazzi Soloist G



Core:  Ropecore

Winding: Tungsten

Evah Pirazzi Soloist C



Core:  Ropecore

Winding: Tungsten

C/ Joaquín Sorolla, 11
E-28350 Ciempozuelos (Madrid)
Tel. +34 918934975
email: info@celloshop.com