
Core made from new sythetic fibre, except  A-string with steel core. Winding A+D steel, C +C tungsten.


Warm brilliant sound, powerful volume, easiest response, resistant to changes in temperature and humidity


Pirastro Obligato A

Core: Steel

Winding: Chrome steel

The latest Pirastro design, now also for the cello. The strings are nylon (except for the A string which has a steel core) and adjust well to temperature and humidity, after a couple of days playing in. The sensitivity of the string is slightly similar to that of a gut string. 

If the A string of your cello is already quite strong, we recommend  Flexocor as the Obligato A  string would otherwise sound too hard.

Pirastro Obligato D

Core: Nylon

Winding: Chrome steel

Pirastro Obligato G


Core: Nylon

Winding: Wolfram

Pirastro Obligato C

Core: Nylon

Winding: Wolfram

Pirastro Obligato Set

Core: Steel (A) Nylon (D,G,C)

Winding: Chrome steel/Wolfram

C/ Joaquín Sorolla, 11
E-28350 Ciempozuelos (Madrid)
Tel. +34 918934975
email: info@celloshop.com